I intend this website to be an online “place” for ministry and community embracing the Benedictine motto of “Peace.”
Since the Catholic faith is about everything, I aspire to post here not only on matters overtly theological and pastoral, but on a wide variety of my eccentric interests, in the hope that some of theseĀ might strike your fancy, too, and enkindle or enhance an awareness of the saturation of all that is by the divine Logos.
My purpose here might be described as pastoral, cultural, and to some extent personal. It is emphatically not polemical, although I don’t intend to shrink entirely from disagreement or controversy. The monastic approach to theology, which had a formative influence on my own, is essentially irenic – in notable contrast with that of scholasticism, structured as it is around the disputation – but even the great monastic saints were willing to argue when necessary.
On the other hand, there are innumerable “places” on the Internet dedicated entirely to controversy and I do not intend for this to be one of them.
Disagreement here must be in a spirit of peace and mutual respect. Comments are welcome but will be moderated in order to ensure this. Rudeness and vituperation will not be tolerated. Should I ever, in a fit of pique, descend into such language, do take me to task for it.
I have not been a denizen of the world of academic theology for many years, so, while I continue to read and to think and occasionally to write, I do so with an eye primarily to prayer and pastoral care. Please do not expect scholarly exactitude, but know that I will be amenable to charitable correction when I am wrong.
The views expressed here are entirely my own. They should not be taken to represent those of the Old Catholic Union of the West as a whole. Certainly they should not reflect in any way on my former monastic community.